
At IBSUniversity, We Appreciate You Just the Way You Are- Loud or Quiet


At IBSUniversity, We Appreciate You Just the Way You Are- Loud or Quiet

Undoubtedly, loud voices and big personalities are often celebrated, and it’s easy to forget that quiet people have some of the greatest strengths. At IBSUniversity, we understand that everyone is wired differently, and that includes those who are more quiet or introverted. Quiet individuals often change the world in ways that are discreet, stable, and tactical.

Just because someone is quiet doesn’t mean they lack confidence or they are weak. In fact, quiet people often have powerful influence because they think before they speak and act with purpose. They listen more, and when they do speak, their words carry weight.

Take Mahatma Gandhi, for example. He led India to independence through peaceful resistance, not loud speeches or aggressive actions. Gandhi’s calm and quiet tenacity changed an entire nation. Similarly, Abraham Lincoln, one of the most respected leaders in U.S. history, led through thoughtfulness and wisdom. He didn’t need to raise his voice to have a huge impact. His ability to listen and understand others is what made him a great leader.

These examples show that quiet individuals are often strategic thinkers. They carefully consider all the facts before making decisions which can lead to better outcomes, especially in challenging situations.

Also,takeAlbert Einstein, the famous scientist, he wasn’t known for his loud personality. He was more focused on thinking deeply about the world around him. His research led to groundbreaking discoveries in physics, like the theory of relativity. His contributions changed the way we understand the universe today.

Even Mother Teresa, who spent her life helping the poor and sick, didn’t do it for attention. She acted subtly, but her work touched millions of lives. Her devotion, not her volume, made her a prominent figure in the world’s history.

Therefore, here at IBSUniversity, we are certain that everyone brings something valuable to the table, regardless of whether they’re extrovert or introvert. This is why we respect different personalities and encourage our students to be true to themselves.

One of our core values is respect, and we show that by supporting everyone’s unique strengths. No matter if you’re the type of person who speaks up in every class discussion, or you prefer to listen and think before responding, your effort matters.

While loud voices can grab attention, quiet people often make the most lasting impact. They lead with wisdom, empathy, and strategic thinking. And at our university, we see that quiet students are just as powerful future leaders—if not more so—than those who are constantly in the spotlight.

Remember, the world needs both loud voices and quiet ones, so here at IBSUniversity, we appreciate you for exactly who you are, because we know that everyone is wired differently, and that’s what makes us influential and unique.

Disclaimer: This article was inspired by a LinkedIn post Quiet People, don’t need to come out of their shell’ by Dr. Christian Poensgen and Susan Cain’s book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. The ideas presented here reflect themes from both sources, with adaptations made to align with the values and the context of IBSUniversity. All credit for the original concepts and insights belongs to Dr. Poensgen and Susan Cain.

Media Contact:

IBSU Media Team

Penelope Aimari

Public Relations Officer


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