IBSUniversity Journal of Business and Research
May 19, 2024 2024-07-30 15:01IBSUniversity Journal of Business and Research
ISSN – 3007 – 3936
About the Journal
The IBSUniversity Journal of Business and Research serves as a vibrant nexus for global researchers, academics, and business professionals. It encourages collaboration, knowledge sharing, and idea generation, ensuring stakeholders are informed about the latest advancements in business and information technology. By inviting contributions from diverse voices, it enriches the research landscape and lays the groundwork for future breakthroughs. Published biannually in June and December, this journal acts as a catalyst for positive change, empowering individuals and institutions to stay informed, think critically, and advance the boundaries of knowledge in the fields of business and information technology.
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Corporate Governance
- Strategic Management
- Human Resource Management
- Marketing and Consumer Behaviour
- Operations Management
- Leadership
- Accounting and Finance
- Financial Econometrics
- Economics
- Development Studies
- Information Technology
- Computer Science
- Digital Image Processing

The objectives of IBS Journal of Business are:
- To disseminate information about modern day business activities
- To encourage industrials and academicians to publish
- Information via the Business Journal
- To keep abreast institutions and business professionals on latest business and IT developments,
- To promote a culture of research and publications at the IBSUniversity and Papua New Guinea; and
- To be a catalyst for business views and academic discourse
Editorial Team
Editor-in-Chief |
Dr. Promise Zvavahera | IBSUniversity, Papua New Guinea |
Editorial Board Members | |
Dr. Ramachandran Arunachalam | Vice Chancellor, IBSUniversity, Papua New Guinea |
Dr. Glory Sujitha Antony | Head of School-Information and Technology, IBSUniversity, Papua New Guinea |
Dr. Emmanuel Aquino | Head of School-Economics & Development Studies & Dean of Students, IBSUniversity, Papua New Guinea |
Dr. Munyaradzi Mutsikiwa | Director of Post-Graduate Studies, Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe |
Mr Jobin Scaria | Pro Vice Chancellor Academics, IBSUniversity, Papua New Guinea |
Dr. SM Mohamed Ismail | Chairman, Sri Lanka Handcrafts Board / Former Vice-Chancellor, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka |
Dr. Juliana McLaughlin | Senior Lecturer, Queensland University of Technology, Australia |
Dr. Kevin Markwell | Associate Professor, (Acting) Dean, Graduate Studies, (Acting) Director, Higher Degree Research Training, School of Business & Tourism, Southern Cross University, Australia |
Prof. Ronald May | Emeritus Professor, Australian National University Australia, Australia |
Dr. Desti Kannaiah | Senior Lecturer, School of Business, James Cook University, Singapore |
Dr. Somanadevi Thiagarajan | Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, University of Belize, Belize, Central America |
Dr. N Kavitha | Associate Professor, Department of Management, College of Business and Economics, Jimma University, Ethiopia |
Dr. C Lekshmi Narayana Pillai | Executive Dean, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea |
Dr. James Kaiulo | Managing Director, Kokonas Indastri Koporesen Papua New Guinea |
Mr. AR (Tony) Witham | Managing Director, Finance Corporation Limited Papua New Guinea |
Mr. Sakaya Enopa Botu | Head of Business Studies, University of Goroka, Papua New Guinea |
Dr. Thippi Thiagarajan | Associate Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology University of Belize, Central America |
Lemuel Nalugon | Senior Lecturer/Research Coordinator School of Information Technology, IBSUniversity Papua New Guinea |
Author Guidelines
With the aim of expanding our readership, the journal urges authors to craft content that appeals to a wider audience, including those unacquainted with the subject matter. Authors are tasked with presenting their research in innovative, stimulating, and imaginative ways.
Submissions must be in English to accommodate the journal’s international readership. Authors have the flexibility to use either American or British English; however, mixing the two styles is prohibited.
Submission of articles
Articles are considered for publication provided that:
- The work is original.
- The work has not been previously published and is not under consideration elsewhere.
- The author has obtained permission from all named co-authors, who have agreed on the order of the names.
- The research has been ethically cleared by an approved ethics board, with a copy of the ethical clearance certificate/letter accompanying the submission.
- The article has been edited by a certified language practitioner, with a copy of the letter from the language practitioner included in the submission.
- The editor reserves the right to modify any accepted manuscript to improve clarity or align it with the journal’s style.
- The review process takes between 3 to 6 months to complete. Authors will be informed of the editor’s decision on receipt of all of the reviewers’ reports.
IBSUniversity Journal of Business and Research invites submissions in the following categories:
Research articles
Authors are required to submit typewritten manuscripts in MS Word format, ranging between 5000–7000 words.
When assessing the suitability of a manuscript for publication in the IBSUniversity Journal of Business and Research, the following criteria are considered:
- The manuscript offers new, original insights or interpretations and the research is not merely a restatement of existing ideas and views.
- The manuscript makes a significant contribution to the field and extends the borders of business and IT debate.
- The manuscript is likely to arouse readers’ interest and stimulate debate.
- The manuscript reflects sound scholarship and research design with appropriate, correctly interpreted references to other authors and works.
- The content of the manuscript is accessible to the broad readership of the education community and is not just addressed to specialists in the area.
Contributions in the journal are subject to our two-fold blind peer review process. The process is as follows:
- When articles are first received, they are scanned for compliance.
- If the article complies, it moves on to external double-blind peer review.
- When the article returns from an external double-blind peer review, depending on the comments from the reviewers, it is sent to the author(s) with the option of reworking and resubmitting the article or it is accepted subject to minor changes.
- Authors will be informed if an article is rejected outright with reason(s) why it is not accepted.
- A reworked article is then re-evaluated to determine if it will be published. This is the editor-in-chief’s decision and the decision is final.
General submission guidelines
Please submit your article via our OJS platform that you can access at the Submission Form.
submission link.
Form content
( Author name and surname, Title, Affiliation, email, username, password, submission of main paper without author details, submission of author details) .
Name(s) of the author(s), title(s), and affiliation(s) should not be disclosed in the text.
A separate document containing the author(s) details should accompany the article submission (a simple MS Word document will suffice).
Please direct all enquiries to: ibsu.rp@ibs.ac.pg
Tables and figures must be placed within their appropriate position in the article accompanied by
the appropriate caption/heading.
All scanned photographs/figures must be kept to a minimum quality level of 300 dpi. Diagrams should be inserted as images – preferably as jpeg or tiff files (not drawn in MS Word using lines, shapes, and arrows).
Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively and be accompanied by a brief heading fortables or caption for figures. Each table/figure must be referred to in the text.
- Tables should have text left aligned and numbers right aligned.
- Please use footnotes. Do not use endnotes.
- Articles should be typed in Times New Roman font, size 12, with 1.5 line spacingPage margins should be 2.54cm.
- Headings should be bold and/or italicized.
- Do not underline headings or text for emphasis.
Author fees
Submitting your research work to the IBSUniversity Journal of Business and Research is completely free of charge. There are no article submission fees to cover review costs.
References are cited in the text by the author(s) surname and the year of publication in brackets (Harvard method), separated by a comma: e.g. (Brown, 2001).
Page references in the text should follow a comma after the date, e.g. (Brown, 2001: 69). If several articles by the same author and from the same year are cited, the letters a, b, c, etc. should be added after the year of publication e.g. (Brown, 2001a).
In works by three authors, the surnames of all authors should be given in the first reference to such a work. In subsequent references to this work only the name of the first author is given, followed by the abbreviation et al.: e.g. (Ziv et al., 2005).
In works by four or more authors, the first citation is immediately truncated to the first author’s surname and the abbreviation ‘et al.’, with all the authors only being listed by their surnames in the reference list.
For personal communications (oral or written) identify the person and indicate in brackets that it is personal communication, e.g. (M Smith, pers. comm.).
List of references
Only sources cited in the text are listed in the reference list, in alphabetical order. These should be presented as indicated in the following examples. Special attention should be paid to the required punctuation.
Journal articles:
Johnson, D.W. & Johnson, R.T. 2002. Gifted students illustrate co-operative learning. Educational Leadership, 50: 60-61.
Van Zyl, R. & Thomas, P.P. 2004. Recent advances in classroom research. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Chapters in books:
Dukzec, S. 2008. Gender issues. In: D Hicks & J Brown (Eds.). Education for peace. London: Routledge.
Unpublished theses or dissertations:
Squelch, J. 2001. Teacher training for multicultural education in a multicultural society. MEd dissertation. Pretoria: University of South Africa.
Anonymous newspaper references:
Citizen. 2006. Education for all, 22 March.
Electronic references:
No author: Violence and discipline problems in U.S. schools: 1999-2002. Available at http://www.nces.ed.gov/pubs98/violence/98030001.html [Accessed 3 June 2006].
Published under author’s name: Burbach, H. 2000. Violence and the public schools. Available at http://www.people.Virginia.EDU/~rkb3b/Hal/SchoolViolence.html [Accessed 4 March 2001].
Checklist (before submitting an article)
- Article is between 5000–7000 words
- The article has an abstract
- Article is typed in Time New Roman, 12pt, 1.5 spacing, 2.54cm margin.
- Article is referenced according to the Harvard referencing method
- Article is language edited (proof must be provided with article submission)
- Article is in MS Word format
- Article has 4–6 keywords
- Article contains little to no self-referencing by the author(s)
- A separate document containing author details must accompany an article submission
- A clear statement regarding ethical clearance and the approval process for the research must be made