SCU Information

SCU Information

Information sheet for Bachelor of Business, Bachelor of Business
and Enterprise, and Bachelor of Information Technology student
at IBSUniversity PNG

1. SCU Academic Calendar

The academic year is divided into 6 Terms. Each Term is delivered over 7 weeks, with 6 weeks of teaching and a 7th week in each Term which may be used for study, review and assessment. There is a 2 week break between Terms.

For further information on the SCU academic model please refer to the URL below.

2. Important Southern Cross University websites

My Enrolment – use this to view your personal details on the Southern Cross student system, view your current unit enrolments, view your grades and get an email copy of your academic record:

MySCU – this is the portal to your Blackboard learning sites for each of your SCU units. Be sure to use the resources provided, including the online lectures for your unit.

SCU Unit Pages – each SCU unit has a webpage which provides an overview of the unit. The pages also list prescribed textbooks, assessments and current pre-requisites for each unit:
Unit Search – SCU

Technical/IT Support – If you have any difficulty accessing your My Enrolment or MySCU accounts, contact the SCU Technology Services (TS) Service Desk for assistance . Make sure that you include your full name, SCU ID number and date of birth as proof of your identity when you contact the TS Service Desk – this will help the team provide you with faster service.

3. Course progression

Students at IBSU follow the SCU Academic Calendar. If you fail SCU units, this will delay your graduation. If you fail a pre-req unit, this could cause additional delay as you must pass a pre-req before progressing to higher level units.

The Course Progression and Units are listed at the end of this document.

4. Unit enrolments

Check your current unit enrolments in My Enrolment. Contact your local IBSU course administrator if you have any concerns about the units you’re enrolled in orif you think any of your units are missing.

This must be done prior to the start of the Term.

Important Dates

Please make sure you check with your local IBSU course administrator about the Key Dates (such as the last date to enrol and census date) for each study period as these are important and can affect you financially and academically. You can also view the key dates on the SCU website at the link

Special Consideration

If your study is impacted by medical or personal circumstances beyond your control, you may be entitled to special consideration (e.g., an assignment extension or a special exam if you were unable to attend the final exam). Contact your lecturer and/or your local IBSU course administrator to discuss options and procedure.

Refer to the SCU Special Consideration web page for guidance: consideration/

Academic Integrity Module

As a commencing coursework student, you need to complete the Academic Integrity Module within your first study period. If you do not complete the Academic Integrity Module, penalties will be applied, including grades being withheld, being withdrawn from all future enrolled units and not being able to enrol in future study. Completing the Academic Integrity Module will only take between one to two hours, so we recommend completing the module early in your study.
How to complete the Academic Integrity Module:

  • Complete all five (5) topics.
  • Check your understanding for each topic. After this, the next topic will appear for you to complete.
  • After completing topic 5, complete the Academic Integrity Quiz. You must achieve the pass mark (90% or higher) and receive the SR (Satisfied Requirements) grade.
  • If you receive NSR (Not Satisfied Requirements) you will need to review the topics and retake the Academic Integrity Quiz
  • You will also receive a certificate of completion

Advanced Standing or Credit

Students should apply for advanced standing at the time they are submitting their admission documents.

5. Policies

You have a responsibility to make yourself aware of Southern Cross University policies which relate to your studies. Make sure you check our policy library and familiarise yourself with policies and procedures that relate to students, particularly:

Rule 2 – Coursework Awards:


  • Students are responsible for making sure they are correctly enrolled in their units
  • Students cannot enrol in more than 4 SCU units per study session without relevant approval
  • Students may choose to withdraw from individual units before Census Date (the enrolment will be deleted from their academic record)
  • Students may be excluded from the course for one study session if they fail the same unit on their third attempt (and have completed less than 2/3 of their course)
  • Students may be excluded from the course permanently if they have failed the same unit on their
    fourth attempt (and have completed less than 2/3 of their course)

Rule 3 – Coursework Awards – Student Assessment and Examinations:


  • Unit Information Guides (UIG) will normally contain a description of each assessment task (including length and format), weighting of each assessment towards final grade, whether a pass in the unit requires an overall mark of 50% and due dates for submission.
  • Special consideration may be granted for health reasons, compassionate circumstances, unforeseen personal events, etc.
  • Examination procedures – students whose first language is not English may use an unmarked dictionary, students need to present photo ID when arriving for their exam, students must follow all directions given by a supervisor, students must not cheat or attempt to cheat during an exam.
  • Students who satisfactorily complete a unit will receive a High Distinction, Distinction, Credit or Pass grade. Students who do not satisfactorily complete a unit will receive a Fail grade or an interim grade of Incomplete or Not Available.
  • A student who does not submit any assessment items is deemed to have abandoned their studies will receive an Absent Fail grade. In some units, failure to submit all assessment items will automatically result in a Fail grade.
  • Grade point averages (GPA) are assigned to graded units (High Distinction = 7, Distinction = 6, Credit = 5, Pass = 4, Fail = 0). Advanced standing is not included in GPA calculations.
  • Students may query assessment results (within 5 working days) by contacting their lecturer (the matter can be escalated to the Unit Assessor and beyond, if needed)
  • Students may query their final grade (within 7 working days) by contact their lecturer (the matter can be escalated to the Unit Assessor and beyond, if needed)
  • Students can appeal against a final grade if they are not satisfied with the outcome of their grade query

Student Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct Rules:

  • Academic misconduct means behaviour which goes against the values of academic integrity. It includes cheating (e.g. improper conduct during exams), collusion (e.g. students working together tasks which are supposed to be completed individually) and plagiarism (e.g. using the work of others without proper acknowledgement).
  • Allegations of Academic Misconduct will be investigated by the University – students will be notified about an allegation via a written notice.
  • Once a determination is made, students will be notified within 10 working days. Penalties (such as a reduced mark or a fail for the unit) may be imposed.
  • A student may appeal against the determination
  • A similar procedure applies to non-academic misconduct

Academic Misconduct Guidelines (consequences for plagiarism and cheating in exams) can be downloaded here:

6. Student Complaints Policy and Procedures

First point of contact at IBSU for complaints:

SCU Key staff:
Co-ordinator, Academic Governance and Student Misconduct
Complaints Assistance Officer

IBSU key staff:


Informal complaints

  • Students have the right to provide feedback or make a formal or informal complaint if there is anything about your experience that you are not satisfied with. You will not be penalised for making a complaint and your concerns will be reviewed and you will be advised of the outcome.
  • Many problems can be resolved informally and you are encouraged to try to resolve the issue directly with the person concerned or an appropriate member of university staff like the Course Coordinator or Executive Dean.
  • If you make an informal complaint to a staff member, the will complaint try to resolve it as quickly as possible, normally within 20 working days. Where the complaint cannot be resolved in this timeframe, the CAO must be informed and the complaint may be referred to the formal process.
  • If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of an informal complaint, you can lodge a formal complaint.


Formal complaints

  • A formal complaint is a written complaint lodged with the Complaints Officer, which is dealt with through a formal process.
  • You can email your complaint to or use the web form available: You should include all information available about your complaint, including supporting documentation if you have it.
  • Your complaint will be reviewed and it will be decided if a formal investigation is required.
  • You will be kept informed of the process and you will be made aware of the outcome.


Students are allowed to appeal if you feel a decision that has been made is unfair or incorrect and you have not been able to resolve this through unofficial methods like emailing your unit assessor. There are different types of appeals, including appealing against a final grade or against academic misconduct.

There is information about the different types and ways to appeal on the website:

7. DHERST Higher Education Loan Program

For SCU students studying through IBSUniversity the DHERST Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) is available. If you are under the HECAS, DHERST covers 20% of the annual fee for the academic year.

8. Graduation

Once you have satisfied all of the SCU course requirements you will be approved for graduation by the SCU University Council.

Students must register to graduate via MyEnrolment. This is important otherwise your Testamur (degree certificate will be held by the SCU Graduation Office until students make contact). The Testamur is a legal document so only the student can nominate where the Testamur is to be sent.

For students at IBSU who hold their own presentation ceremony, students should register for graduation and select ‘in absentia”, this means that the SCU Graduation Office will courier all of the required IBSU Testamurs to the nominated contact at IBSU, who will make the Testamur available to
student at their presentation ceremony.

Official academic transcripts and AHEGS will be made available to students online via My equals. Students can email to obtain a hard copy of their academic transcript and AHEGS
for a nominated fee.

9. Culture

Because you are studying with an Australian university, here are some key points to be aware of:

Names – in Australia we write names in order of given name followed by the family name. Keep this in mind when you register for graduation. If you would like your name to be printed in Chinese style (family name + given name) on your Southern Cross University Testamur (degree certificate), you can adjust this in the personal details section of My Enrolment.

Checking Email – all email from SCU will be sent to your SCU email account. It is important that you check your email regularly. If you use an alternative email you should forward your SCU email to that account so you do not miss any important information.

Sending Emails – alwaysinclude your SCU Student ID, Name and relevantsubject title for your email. The recipient of your email will be able to identify straight away who you are, and what your query is about.

If you are not using your Southern Cross University email account, you need to include your full name (in English) and SCU ID number at the bottom of your email so the staff member can identify you.

Workshops – Each study period, SCU will send academic staff to deliver face to face workshop for nominated units.

10. Support

We encourage students to seek support and help if you need assistance. There are many ways you can access help if you need it.

Academic Support
During class
If you have a question during class, you can raise this during discussion times. Do not be afraid to ask questions if you have them. Other students probably have the same question too.

After class
Your teachers can assist you after class if you send them an email.

You can contact your local IBSU Course Administrator Mr Paul Imatana for support if you need additional assistance.

You can contact your local IBSU Course Administrator Mr Paul Imatana for support if you need additional assistance.

Learning Zone:

Personal Support
If you need to speak to someone about your health or wellbeing, you can contact local IBSU Course Administrator Mr Paul Imatana.
Blackboard Mental Health and Wellbeing Self Help Hub:

As an SCU student we wish you every success with your studies!

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